• 元链mc币如- 狗急加速器

    An ultra-light Active Record persistence library
    built directly on PDO

    元链mc币如- 狗急加速器

    Platform-Optimized Active Record

    Active Record is a popular persistence pattern with O/R mapping tools. xPDO implements this pattern and takes it further by providing facilities to optimize per platform—capabilities associated with more complex DataMapper persistence libraries.

    The Performance of a Microframework

    xPDO was built many years ago as an ultra-lightweight alternative to Propel. This architectural mindset continues to drive development of xPDO and makes it ideally suited for use with microframeworks such as Slim.

    All the Benefits of Open Source Software

    Aloha Browser :内置虚拟专用网络 - 玩机APP:2021-8-28 · Aloha Browser 游览器是一款快速,免费及全功能的网络游览器提供最高的隐私及安全。我伔是对目前网络缺乏隐私有着密切关心的一群。这也是为何我伔创办了Aloha Browser游览器。我伔的任务是给你提供安全及让你的网络游览更能达到你对隐秘的

    Powering MODX Revolution since 2007

    xPDO has served as the foundation for the MODX Revolution Content Management System since its inception. Developed in 2007, the power and stability of the library has been proven in production time and time again.

    This time, deadline be damned, I cranked up xPDO on my data model and got to work.
    The deadline was this morning, and I delivered on time! (That in itself is a little unusual for me, let alone forcing a paradigm shift on my coding.)

    —Mike Schell
    MODX Cloud Lead @ 手机虚拟专用网络

    xPDO is fully-featured, easy-to-use, and like everything Jason does, well thought out. It exposes and normalizes database interactions for those who would otherwise struggle with them. Personally, I'd be lost without it.

    —YJ Tso
    Client Whisperer @ MODX, LLC

    Learn more »

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